
Classic precious and rare elements, coupled with modern aesthetics to create eternal elegance and value.

No.15 Shouson, meticulously crafted by world-class interior designer David Collins Studio and Champalimaud meticulously, 15 independent gardens and private pool houses, all of which are unique collections of art.

The photo(s) was/were taken from the airspace above or near the Development on 20 August 2021 and have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques to illustrate the general appearance of part of the Development and the general condition of part of the surrounding environment and is/are for reference only, it/they does not reflect the actual external appearance of or the view of or from the Development or any part thereof, or the surrounding environment and buildings of the Development. The surrounding buildings and environment of the Development may be simplified, may not be shown in scale or may not be shown. The Vendor reserves the rights to make alterations to the building plans of the Development from time to time. The said view will be affected by the weather condition, the surrounding environment and buildings of the Development and are subject to change from time to time. The photo(s) and all the contents do not constitute and shall not be construed as constituting any contractual term, offer, representation, undertaking or warranty, whether expressed or implied, on the part of the Vendor regarding the Development (whether related to the view or not). Please refer to the sales brochure for details.